Pleasant Street Mills
Located along the Manhan Rail Trail overlooking Lower Mill Pond.
142 Pleasant Street, Easthampton, MA
Located along the Manhan Rail Trail overlooking Lower Mill Pond.
Easthampton, Massachusetts.
A new life for an old mill.
New and expanding parking, landscaping and site lighting tops off a huge collaberative investment between the private mill owners, the City of Easthamptonn and the Commonwealth to revitalize this section of the complex.
Lower Mill Pond and Mt. Tom in the background. Running along the parking lot below the fence and retaining wall is the Manhan Rail Trail.
Apartments and Condos
Starting in Spring of 2017 renovations will begin preparing the groundwork for residential units on the 4th floor. This will consist of new bathroom facilities located near the main entrance and stair towers for emergency egress.
There will be two 2-bedroom units and four 1-bedroom units on the 4th floor, with 10' ceilings and 4' x 4' windows overlooking Lower Mill Pond and Mt. Tom.
Each unit will have dedicated space on the floor below to serve as the front entrance, and will also provide additional storage as well as space for an office or workshop.
The West Boylston Company, a textile manufacturer incorporated in 1814, was forced to leave the town of West Boylston, Massachusetts when the Wachusett reservoir was planned, which would have completely submerged the mill site. In 1899 the company decided to dismantle their mill brick by brick and send it by train to Easthampton, where those same bricks were used to build the West Boylston Company’s Mill Number 1.
The sections of the building designated as 3, 4 and 5 are seen here. Building 6, on the end, has yet to be built.
This is the alley between 122 Pleasant on the left and 142 Pleasant on the right. There is a temporary wooden structure in the foreground where Building 6 will eventually be built.
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